Lisa Ash Yoga

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FAQ's: Is this Service for Me?

Subscription Service FAQ's

Because my mission is to help as many people as I possibly can to “feel and breathe better”…

I want to answer any questions you might have about my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription Service so I can help you, too:

Q: Do I need a LOT OF TIME to get value from this service?

A: Nope. All the classes are short, powerful and purposeful. You’ll feel better mentally, physically and emotionally with just 30 minutes (or less) of Yoga Therapeutics a day.

Q: Do I need to log on at a specific time?

A: Nope. You’ll have exclusive access to Yoga Therapeutics classes with me from any time zone, from any place, from anywhere.

(I know you’re busy… so you do you, friend.)

Q: Is this for me even if I’ve never done yoga before?

A: Yes! These Yoga Therapeutics sequences are easy to follow. You don’t have to be flexible or fantastic at yoga to gain value from this Subscription Service. You just need to follow along with my featured monthly videos and learn!

This is the perfect service for you.

Click below to Subscribe and take your first step on the Path to Optimal Health through Yoga Therapeutics. 

Any other questions? Reach out and ask, I’m ready to answer.
