Lisa Ash Yoga

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"Gratitude 1:5" Daily Gratitude: 21-Day Challenge

One of my favorite Gratitude Practices is “Gratitude 1:5.” ✨

I write down 1 Thing that I am grateful for.

I write down 5 People who make it possible.

I pause for 1 Minute.

I take 5 Mindful Breaths. 

I silently extend my Deepest Gratitude for my 1 Thing and my 5 People. ✨

“Gratitude 1:5” is a simple practice that reminds me that the people I love and cherish are the greatest blessings in my life, not the things I own or accomplish.

Today, here’s my “Gratitude 1:5”

✨ My child’s Positive Pre-School Experience ✨

1️⃣My husband (who does pick up 2 days a week)

2️⃣My babysitter Allison (who provides PM childcare)

3️⃣Miss Annie (who is, apparently, “the funniest teacher ever”)

4️⃣My studio manager Heather (who keeps Abiding Yoga running smoothly)

5️⃣My daughter (who is very brave and is always so excited about learning)

I am grateful for Rhyme and Reason Pre-School and the community that makes it possible for EJ to attend.

Join my Signature Program: “Daily Gratitude: 21-Day Challenge”  to learn more.

Friday November 4- Saturday November 24, 2023

Your Unique Daily Gratitude Practice arrives via Text Message featuring:

✨ Pre-Recorded Yoga Therapeutics Classes

✨ Guided Meditations

✨ Yoga Breathing Exercises

✨ Journaling Prompts

✨Words of Inspiration