Lisa Ash Yoga

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Soften Soreness with Yoga Therapeutics

Tightness in your outer hips and glutes refers soreness to your lower back, making it feel stiff by the end of the day. Since the connective tissue that covers your pelvis also encapsulates nerve endings that are directly related to pain perception in your lumbar spine, you can utilize reclined, hip stretches like these to alleviate global soreness and stiffness.

Yoga Therapeutics Series to Soften Lower Back Soreness:

  1. Place strap around Right Foot and extend skyward. Press your foot into the strap, hanging the weight of the leg into the strap so that the hip bone rests in the socket. 10 inhales.

  2. . Hold both ends of the strap with the left hand. Bring leg across body, 45-60 degrees. Press outer edge of foot into strap.  Point and flex the ankle 10 times.

  3. Bring leg back into center and slowly lower foot to floor.  Press foot into the strap as if you could make your leg longer. Pause here and notice the effect.

 Learn more with my pre-recorded classes to “Soften Soreness” on my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription. 

It’s an invaluable resource to help you feel and breathe better through Yoga Therapeutics.