Lisa Ash Yoga

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When I think about Inner Contentment, I think about Polly Pocket Toys

When I think about Inner Contentment, I think about Polly Pocket.

(For those of you who didn’t grow up in the ‘90’s: Polly Pocket is a teeny, tiny playset with a miniature Polly and itty bitty animal friends, completely encased in a plastic purse that fits in your pocket.)

Polly Pocket has her own little world of cuteness, with everything she needs, in a travel-sized container.

Polly Pocket is the perfect example of Inner Contentment: even when her external environment changes, even when everything around her is in flux, even when she has no idea where she is going or what the future holds, she’s content and safe in her own little world because she has the inner resources she needs to navigate the changes.

When we are cultivating Inner Contentment (Santosha), teacher Sharon Salzberg says to, 

“create around you a little bit of space that is all your own, a place where the rules of interaction you've chosen make sense and your actions have integrity."

In Yoga Philosophy, Santosha reflects a state of being in which your inner contentment is independent of situations and circumstances happening around you and you are steady in your awareness.  

When do you feel Inner Contentment?

What helps you experience Inner Contentment?

How does your yoga practice support Inner Contentment?

I’d love to hear from you!

(P.S. My At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription is FILLED with Recorded Classes to help you learn Santosha!)