Lisa Ash Yoga

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Yoga for Chronic Pain Relief in Kansas City

Yoga for Chronic Pain Relief in Kansas City Thousands of people practice yoga every day, not always for the reasons you might think. Some use yoga for stress release, but a lot of people do yoga for chronic pain relief in Kansas City. Yoga controls your breathing and is literally mind over matter in a lot of ways. Learning stretches and other things, doctors have come to recognize that yoga has some powerful benefits. Unlike many forms of physical fitness, yoga in Kansas City also stimulates the mind and works on mental health.

Yoga For Chronic Pain Relief in Kansas City


A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine examined 313 patients with chronic lower back pain and found that one yoga session a week helped improve mobility more than traditional medical care. Similarly, a meta-study of 1,600 patients with spine curvature due to fibromyalgia osteoporosis showed better functionality, mood, and mental health after engaging in yoga.

So how does chronic pain affect you? The presence of pain ignites fear and affects your brain. You have pressure every day. Lisa Ash is certified in Yoga Medicine® in Kansas City and can know that your brain can become more sensitive to stimuli when there is pain present. That is why as an expert at yoga in Kansas City, we offer a special class just for people dealing with chronic pain.




How Does Yoga For Chronic Pain Relief in Kansas City Work?


There are a numer of things that yoga does for pain relief but here are a few:


·         Stretching and Movement

·         Controlled Breathing

·         Mental Well-Being and Stress Relief

·         Promoted Nueron Creation

Yoga For Chronic Pain Relief in Kansas City

To find relief from chronic pain, our personal therapeutic yoga sessions will focus on solutions to your specific pain areas, spinal imbalances and inefficient movement patterns.  After a thorough intake, I’ll teach you how to apply therapeutic modes of yoga poses, meditation, breathing techniques and self-myofascial release to alleviate pain and move you toward optimal health in mind, body, and spirit.

Book Now

Some of the benefits of yoga are not fully understood. We do know that yoga has the ability to promote neuron creation and healing in the brain, but no one is sure why. That response is why doctors and yoga medicine exists. Book your personalized session with Lisa Ash today to work through your chronic pain.


Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist in Kansas City

Lisa Ash Yoga: Your Partner on the Path to Optimal Health in Kansas City




Try Yoga for Beginners in Kansas City or One of Our Other Exceptional Yoga Classes


At Lisa Ash Yoga, we offer a team of trusted professional yoga instructors in Kansas City who are ready to aid you on your health and wellness journey. We offer various in-person and online yoga sessions, so you can practice at a time that works best for you. We specialize in therapeutic yoga, yoga for back pain in Kansas City, pre-natal yoga, yoga for pregnancy pain and fertility support, and meditation yoga.