“Allergies Abated” Yoga Therapeutics Classes
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Needed: ——-
20 minutes
Reducing Inflammation
This is a Myofascial Release and Yin Yoga class with the primary aim of reducing inflammation.
You’ll utilize long-held and low-intensity yoga postures to help support your body’s natural healing abilities.
This is the perfect practice for relieving inflammation and fatigue.
Needed: 2 Myofascial Release, 1 Blanket and 2 Blocks
50 minutes
Alleviate Headaches
This 30 minute class alleviates the root causes of tension headaches. You'll apply gentle pressure to the acupressure point at the middle of the forehead (called yin tang) to alleviate cranial tension and use a yoga block for Myofascial Release on the stabilizing neck muscles.
This class is extremely gentle and extremely effective.
Needed: 1 Block
30 minutes
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