“Healthy Hips” with Yoga Therapeutics
Healthy Hips: Hip Flexers
This class targets the hip flexors (the front seam of your hips) through Yin Yoga to create resiliency and length in the tissues located on the anterior of your pelvis.
To promote deep relaxation, you'll learn a manual Myofascial Release for the longest muscle in your neck: the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) which is one of the first muscles your body engages when it encounters a stress trigger, and Extended Exhale Breathing (in 4, out 6) in Lizard Pose.
Needed: 2 Blocks, 1 Bolster, 1 Strap
40 minutes
Refresh Your Legs
This class uses a unique combination of Myofascial Release and Yin Yoga Postures to refresh overworked tissues in your lower body and to encourage better stability and mobility.
You’ll refresh tissue hydration, circulation and neuromuscular connections in your thighs, glutes, calves and feet-- a complete Tune-Up for any walker or runner.
Needed: 2 MFR Balls, optional block and blanket
30 minutes
Needed: TBD
TBD minutes