Alleviate Your Headaches with a Pre-Recorded Yoga Therapeutics Class
Hand-picked pre-recorded classes with Lisa that feature the best that yoga therapeutics has to offer: reduced stress, increased range of motion, enhanced nervous system function and connected mind-body-spirit.
Exactly what you need, Exactly when you need it.
Headaches happen for LOADS of reasons: triggers range from hormones to gut distress to allergies to sinus congestion to fatigue to water consumption. Thanks to yoga, we can mitigate one of the BIGGEST headache triggers: neck tension. This 50 minute class alleviates the root causes of tension headaches and promotes proprioception (your body's sense of where you are in space.) You'll apply gentle pressure to the acupressure point at the middle of the forehead (called yin tang) to alleviate cranial tension and use yoga blocks for Myofascial Release on the stabilizing neck muscles. This class is extremely gentle and extremely effective. ON DEMAND, Pre-Recorded Class is AVAILABLE NOW.
1 Purchase and it's yours for 30 days of unlimited use, just in time for the holidays.