Lisa Ash Yoga

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Mid-Back Mobility Yoga Therapeutics Class “On Demand”

Although we talk about it as having 3 distinct sections, your spine is a cohesive unit: tension in the low back creates tension in your neck; freedom in your mid-back affords ease in your low back. Your mid-back, often called the "thoracic spine area" is, by design the least mobile part of your spine. The vertebrae in this area attach to ribs and house precious, life-giving organs. However, immobility, stiffness and imbalanced posture (hello, I sleep on my side and sit in a weird chair all day) contributes to overall dysfunction and discomfort in your spine. In this class, I'll teach both active and passive mobility movements that free up your mid-back, which can help you maintain proper shoulder mechanics, relieve neck stiffness and take pressure off the lower back. We’ll include Myofascial Release and deep breathing to mobilize your mid-back and leave you feeling fresh. You can find this class “On Demand,” 1 investment and it’s yours to practice as often as you’d like for 30 days. These are techniques that you’ll be able to utilize WHENEVER YOU NEED THEM.