It’s Time to Boost Your Immunity
It’s time to Boost Your Immunity. Truly.
Yoga Therapeutics does this by:
✨ reducing stress
✨ encouraging lymphatic flow
✨ downregulating pre-inflammatory markers (specifically, inflammatory cytokine IL-1beta)
✨ building bone density
✨ supporting healthy patterns of waste elimination
✨ increasing cell-mediated immunity (specifically IFN-gamma which has antiviral immune-regulatory and anti-tumor properties)
And since this fall promises to be a super spreader of all things acute, I’m featuring classes on my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Service to Support Your Immunity so you can live happier, healthier and (stay) wholly excited about FALL!
✨ 5 Immune Support Classes now available Inside my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription!