The Importance Of Self-Care

My time is precious. I don’t have hours to simply linger or half-days to do nothing but read a novel uninterrupted and entire weekends to devote to yoga workshops. My current reality is that my time is overburdened and it’s difficult to carve out minutes for self-care. And yet, it is imperative for the health of my nervous system, for the longevity of my critical thinking, for the well-being of my Spirit that I do so.

Because your time is precious and your SELF-CARE is EVEN MORE PRECIOUS, how will you choose self-care today?

If you need an idea, head to my site and invest in a pre-recorded yoga class called “Sleep Support.” I'll also share resources and ideas here on the Social over the next few weeks. Care for yourself well, my friends.

Lisa Ash Drackert

Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist

Breathing Practice for Self-Care


How Yoga Can Alleviate Headaches