Fascial Health & Online Yoga Therapeutics

Joint range of motion and fascial health is also dependent on your nervous system: how amped up you are or how calm you are makes a difference in your ability to perceive pain, innervate muscles well and metabolize sugar for energy.

Learn more in this Online Yoga Therapeutics class called "Myofascial Release: Melt to Calm." You'll use slow, melting techniques with Myofascial Release tools on your calves, shoulders, hips and belly to downshift your nervous system toward calm and feel the immediate effects. You’ll need two Myofascial Release balls and a blanket for this practice.

Livestreamed on Thursday May 19 at 12 pm CST and recording sent after. $10 investment for 30 minutes of calm.

Lisa Ash Drackert

Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist


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Fascial Health & Yin Yoga