Uplevel Your Metabolism


At 3 am on a cross-country road trip from California to Iowa, I was driving a car full of sleeping friends across the desolation of Wyoming and realized: we are going to run out of gas.

I did what any sleep-deprived 20-year-old with absolutely NO understanding of cars or engines or mechanical processes would do: I floored it.

I honestly didn’t realize that driving over the speed limit would actually deplete the gas tank sooner than driving at a consistent, reasonable speed. All I could think about was getting to a gas station that was open on Easter Sunday in the middle of East Jesus Nowhere as fast as possible.

While infinitely more sacred and nuanced than a borrowed Corolla, our human bodies also create, store and expend energy.

Typically, we think of food as fuel.

But so many other factors — actions we choose to take or not take— contribute to metabolic efficiency and vitality.

For example, Yoga Therapeutics can Uplevel Metabolism by:

➡️ increasing lean muscle mass

➡️ improving circulation

➡️ reducing stress

➡️ supporting key liver functions

➡️ providing key opportunities to refuel through rest

These Featured Classes on my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription are specifically curated to help you learn more and to “Uplevel Your Metabolism.”

Love Your Liver

The liver is an integral part of our ongoing health and wellness. It represents our body’s innate ability to adapt and heal because it regenerates after damage, it filters blood, neutralizes excess hormones and helps support elimination of wastes. 

We’ll use breath, compression, gentle twists to stimulate circulation locally around the liver to increase your metabolism and immunity.

Moderating Between Strength and Softness

In this Strength Flow, you'll moderate your effort between strengthening tissues and stretching tissues. You'll use novelty to create muscular strength and endurance: alternating between short, repetitive sequences, long holds and standing balance poses.

Yin Yoga for Energy Support

This is a potent Yin Yoga practice incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine knowledge and long held yoga postures to recharge your batteries.

Kidney energy is our resource of energy, vigor & enthusiasm for life; it is easily depleted through overwork but also easily replenished through Yoga and Myofascial Release.

Your Subscription gives you access to hundreds of pre-recorded Yoga Therapeutics Classes for only $16.50 a month.

Lisa Ash Drackert

Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist


How Yoga Therapeutics Can Uplevel Your Metabolism


Yoga Therapeutics Heals Injuries