Your Brain’s Default Mode

Did you know that you’re (scientifically speaking) happier when you are actually THINKING about what you are ACTUALLY doing, instead of letting your mind wander?


Neuroscientists have concluded that 80% of your brain’s time is spent in this wandering “default mode.”

Biologically your brain is wired to repeat patterns because this uses less metabolic energy than finding new, novel patterns. 

It makes sense to go on “default mode” through daily repetitive tasks, such as the mundane of teeth brushing, dishwasher loading, and laundry folding.

But unfortunately, it doesn’t make sense when it comes to your inner contentment, happiness and mindfulness. 


Because your brain’s “default mode” is the opposite of being aware. 

It is the gray sameness of repetitive thought, rumination, distraction and general dissatisfaction. (As my daughter would say, “whomp, whomp.”)

The Good News?

✨These 4 Yoga Therapeutics Techniques can reset your brain’s “default mode” and increase both mental focus and emotional contentment ✨

  1. Novel Movement: interlace your fingers behind your back. Take 3 inhales and 3 exhales. Then, SWITCH which thumb is on top. Take 3 inhales and 3 exhales in this awkward position.  

  2. Shake up a daily routine: Try a NEW Online Yoga Therapeutics Class with me (Check out all the FREE PRACTICES on my website. The current crowd pleaser is “Yin Yoga for Energy Support” available at

  3. Focus on your Feet: Close your eyes and focus on your feet. Mentally trace the outline of your toes and feel the texture of your socks on the soles of your feet. Feel both feet on the floor and take a few deep breaths. It's not complicated but it is effective.

  4. 4-Square Breathing: You’ll utilize the yoga breathing technique of retaining the breath, which teaches focus and mental control. Visualize the 4 sides of a square: each side is equal in length. Each part of 4-Square Breathing is 4 counts. 

    Inhale: 4,   Pause: 4,   Exhale: 4,   Pause: 4; Repeat for 2 minutes.

    This is an advanced Breathing Practice, so give yourself grace and patience when learning.

Let me know how these work for you, I’d love to hear from you!

Lisa Ash Drackert

Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist


I NEVER get bored as a Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist