Find Mental Focus this Spring


Ok, Spring has barely SPRUNG and I already have Spring Fever.  It’s difficult for me to focus and I find I’m rushing through tasks so I can go play outside and linger in the sunshine.

You too?

Try these two Yogic Breathing Techniques designed to enhance mental focus -- they work wonders to get you focused and mentally sharp.

Alternate Nostril Breathing is the primo Yogic Pranayama Technique used for amplifying mental focus. It synchronizes the two hemispheres of your brain to help clarify and focus your thinking.

How to:

➡️ Use your hand to apply gentle pressure to the bridge of your nose so that you can direct your inhale through one nostril and direct your exhale through the opposite nostril

➡️ Alternating with each breath cycle: inhale right, exhale left

➡️ Repeat 10 times

➡️ Finish with 3 inhales and exhales

“Four Square” Breathing utilizes the yogic technique of retaining the breath to increase mental focus and control. 

How to:

➡️ Each part of the breath is equal in length, similar to the 4 sides of a square

➡️ Inhale: 4

➡️ Pause: 4

➡️ Exhale: 4

➡️ Pause: 4

➡️ Repeat this pattern 10 times then notice how your mental focus has sharpened

Listen and practice these FREE Guided Audio Breathing Techniques

Truly, learning yoga breathing techniques can help you hone mental focus more than any other therapeutic technique I teach.

Which is why I want you to join my course: “Abiding in Breath: a 28-Day Guide to Yogic Breathing” because we all need a little more focus on our lives.

May 1- May 29, 2024

I’ll guide you through the steps of learning yogic breathing techniques with:

➡️ a daily text

➡️ easy to follow instructions

➡️ guided audio files

➡️ recorded Yoga Therapeutics Classes

➡️ unlimited support and access to resources

 to help you begin a daily breathing practice that benefits you in mind, body and spirit.✨

Enrollment Details:

✨Work at your own pace; content is available up to 60 days after your last text

✨Enrollment Closes April 30, 2024 at 1 pm CST and includes 1 Free Month of My At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription

Program Runs: May 1- May 29, 2024

Lisa Ash Drackert

Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist

Abiding in Breath: a 28-Day Guide to Yogic Breathing


Five Mantras for Overwhelm