Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

Mental Clarity

You may ask… “How do Yoga Therapeutics Classes Support Mental Well-Being? Isn’t yoga just about stretching and becoming more flexible?” Nope!

Yoga Therapeutics support mental well-being and reduce anxiety. Opt-in for your free online 30-minute “Yoga for Mental Clarity” class. Then, subscribe to the best online yoga!

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

FAQS… Is this the Service for me?

Is online yoga for me? Questions and Answers for the best online yoga and yoga for beginners. Subscribe to online yoga classes for pain management.

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Pre-Recorded Classes to Optimize:

  • Posture

  • Balance

  • Sleep

  • Stress Regulation

  • Immune Function

  • Spinal Health

  • Shoulder Mobility

and Move You Toward Optimal Health

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