What is Restorative Yoga in Kansas City?
What is Restorative Yoga in Kansas City?
Restorative yoga is the practice of slowing your body down. It is about opening your body through passive stretching at Lisa Ash Yoga we offer a variety of sessions to help you do this. If you take a class for restorative yoga in Kansas City, you may not do a lot of moving. It is about the slow stretch, doing just a few postures over the course of an hour.
Feeling Tired?
Friends, most of us are tired. Some of us are literally sleepless, others of us are exhausted from trying to do a thousand things at once, some of us are overworked and have traveled too far over false ground.
We long for physical rest and mental stillness. We long to feel rejuvenated and recharged (from within… not from 4 cups of coffee.)
Yoga Therapeutics can meet this need.
What are the Benefits of Restorative Yoga in Kansas City?
What are the Benefits of Restorative Yoga in Kansas City?
Restorative yoga in Kansas City is no different than any other type of yoga, it improves your strength, stability, and flexibility. The best part about restorative yoga is that it also enhances your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Therapeutic yoga in Kansas City through restorative practices can also reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
The benefits of restorative yoga in Kansas City include:
Exactly What You Need When you Need it
I’ve created my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription Program so you don’t have to shop and browse the internet.
It’s Exactly what you need, Exactly when you need it.
Why my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription Program is awesome:
➡️ Bundled by Therapeutic Topic (i.e. “Low Back Relief”)
➡️ Shorter than 45 minutes
➡️ Accessible for Newbies
➡️ Hand-picked Classes in your Inbox monthly
➡️ Exclusive content ALWAYS available via LisaAshYoga.com
Want to Use Yoga for Pregnancy Pain in Kansas City?
Want to Use Yoga for Pregnancy Pain in Kansas City? -- Pregnancy is hard on your body. Your hormones are raging. You have a lot of weight gain, a shifting of gravity, you have stress. This time in your life is already crazy. Maybe you have already signed up for prenatal yoga personal sessions in Kansas City because all of these elements have combines and now you have the perfect storm. The perfect storm for pain.
The Centerpoint of Yoga Therapeutics
The centerpoint of Yoga Therapeutics is starting where you are. Unlike wayfinding, which relies on knowing where you are going, the guiding principle of Yoga Therapeutics is PURPOSE on the Path.
Subscribe to get access now
Pre-Recorded Classes to Optimize:
Stress Regulation
Immune Function
Spinal Health
Shoulder Mobility
and Move You Toward Optimal Health