Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

Make Your Morning

For me, if it doesn’t get done by 9 am, it’s probably not going to get done. Everything important happens in the morning.

I have to purposefully carve out time to set my mood, my intention, my focus and my health as a priority EVERY SINGLE MORNING.

➡️ What morning routines do you use to prioritize your health?

➡️ How can you set your intention each morning?

➡️ When can you make time to become mindful of your body and breath?

➡️ Can these Yoga Therapeutics practices help you do that?

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

Jenn was SUPER intimidated…

Jenn was SUPER intimidated to start Yoga Therapeutics sessions with me.

She was convinced she wasn’t strong enough or flexible enough or young enough.

But guess what:

She was alive and she was breathing, so I was convinced she could do it.

We started with breathing.

It was like a lightbulb switched on, high voltage.

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

When I Feel Overwhelmed…

When I feel overwhelmed, I put away my phone, shut my laptop and practice Yoga Pranayama.

Pranayama is the third of the eight essential aspects of classical yoga teaching.

Often defined as “controlling the breath,” I prefer to think of it as organizing the physical act of my breathing so I can re-organize my thinking.

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

Abiding in Breath: a 28-Day Guide to Yogic Breathing

In yoga, breathing techniques are called pranayama.

With pranayama practices, you can:

learn mindfulness


increase mental focus and decrease brain fog

alleviate anxious symptoms

overcome insomnia

regulate blood pressure

optimize the health of your central nervous system

develop a therapeutic relationship with your body

all without ever standing up.

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

There is Nothing I Can Say to Convince You to Practice Yoga.

There is nothing I can say to convince you to practice yoga.

I know this to be inherently true because I got my toddler a purple scooter with light-up disco wheels.

She’s excellently compliant about wearing her two-toned purple helmet while she’s on the scooter.

This is exactly where her compliance stops.

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

January is that Metaphorical Month of NEW THINGS

January is that metaphorical month of NEW THINGS! GLITTER! EXCITEMENT! but in reality, January is, for many of us, a much needed time to Relax and Recharge. ✨

In Traditional Chinese Medicine “Kidney Energy” is our resource of energy, vigor & enthusiasm for life; it is easily depleted through overwork, overexcitement and overstimulation BUT is also easily replenished through Yoga, Breathwork and Self-Myofascial Release. ✨

This month, I’m featuring a variety of Yoga Therapeutics Practices designed to give you a much needed Energy Boost to THRIVE in 2024. ✨

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

I Have a “Busy-Buzzy Brain”

I have a “busy-buzzy brain.”

It likes to flit from thought to thought and is easily overstimulated.

I have a hard time transitioning from one focus to the next focus.

Sometimes it sounds like a little beehive in my brain.

I know I’m not alone in this. (Because… well… this is the primary reason that yoga was invented: to calm the fluctuations of the mind through focused breath and meditation.)

And I know the Holiday Season is a super chill time filled with absolutely no distractions, over stimulation or over-the-top expectations.

So I’m featuring Yoga Therapeutics Techniques on my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription Service that calm my busy-buzzy brain and re-set my neurological patterns to be more cohesive, organized and focused.

Classes are short, effective and designed for a much needed “Neurological Re-Set.”

SUBSCRIBE by 12/22/23 for your first month FREE.

After that, it’s an affordable $16.50 monthly investment.

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

Subscription Service FAQ's

SURPRISE! I have an Online Yoga Service and I actually, completely, totally Love It. 💕

I never thought I would.

(I’m not an “on camera” person; my teaching is very relational; my hair is NEVER done; most days I forget to wear make-up, etc. etc. etc. a million other eye-roll excuses.) 🙄

But, there is only One of Me.

And Hundreds of You. ✨

And my goal is to help as many people as I possibly can to “feel and breathe better” and the best way I know how to do that is through Yoga Therapeutics. ✨

I want to answer some questions about my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription Service so I can help you, too:

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

What is Yoga Therapeutics? And Why Is It For Me?

The goal of Yoga Therapeutics isn’t to “do yoga better.”

The goal of Yoga Therapeutics is to “Feel Better” along your Path to Optimal Health.

You may be asking: “What is Yoga Therapeutics, anyway, Lisa… and why is it for me?”

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Pre-Recorded Classes to Optimize:

  • Posture

  • Balance

  • Sleep

  • Stress Regulation

  • Immune Function

  • Spinal Health

  • Shoulder Mobility

and Move You Toward Optimal Health

At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription
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