Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

Reaching your Allostatic Load Maximum is the Proverbial “Last Straw.”

Reaching your Allostatic Load Maximum is the proverbial “last straw.”

You know this moment. It’s when you’re functioning decently (and mostly kindly) and then… you spill the entire Costco-sized container of cinnamon two minutes before you have to leave for work, you remember that three out of four roads of your daily commute are currently closed, you realize you’ve forgotten a deadline and your kid/spouse/dog/roommate is whining.

This. Is. The. Final. Straw.

Dr. Hans Seyle’s “General Stress Adaptation Theory” suggests that your body’s resiliency and adaptability decline over time as it comes into contact with attention-grabbing input.

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

"Gratitude 1:5" Daily Gratitude: 21-Day Challenge

One of my favorite Gratitude Practices is “Gratitude 1:5.” ✨

I write down 1 Thing that I am grateful for.

I write down 5 People who make it possible.

I pause for 1 Minute.

I take 5 Mindful Breaths.

I silently extend my Deepest Gratitude for my 1 Thing and my 5 People. ✨

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

3 Unique Gratitude Practices

We’ve all started a “Gratitude Journal” with the admirable intent of writing in it daily…

Only to forget about it completely within the same week.

We all WANT a life filled with Gratitude and a meaningful Daily Practice…

Only, we don’t know where to start.

✨ My “Daily Gratitude: 21-Day Challenge” is designed to help you start, structure and maintain a unique Daily Gratitude Practice that works for you.

These are just 3 of the Unique Gratitude Practices I feature in my “Daily Gratitude: 21-Day Challenge” which begins November 4.

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

Positive Psychology Research is Clear!

Positive Psychology Research is clear: people with a consistent Daily Gratitude Practice are happier, healthier and sustain more meaningful relationships than those who don’t. ✨

My “Daily Gratitude: 21- Day Challenge” will jumpstart your Daily Gratitude Practice by providing:


✨ accountability

✨ inspiration

✨ links to daily practices

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

What's your "Why?"

What’s Your “Why?”

Here's what I've heard lately from clients and yoga students:

➡️ I want to be able to pick up my grandkids from the floor

➡️ I want to work an entire day and go for a walk without my back hurting…

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

It’s Time to Boost Your Immunity

It’s time to Boost Your Immunity. Truly.

Yoga Therapeutics does this by:

✨ reducing stress

✨ encouraging lymphatic flow

✨ downregulating pre-inflammatory markers (specifically, inflammatory cytokine IL-1beta)…

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

FAQ's: Is this Service for Me?

Because my mission is to help as many people as I possibly can to “feel and breathe better”…

I want to answer any questions you might have about my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription Service so I can help you, too:

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

My Favorite Way to Describe  Yoga

My favorite way to describe yoga is that the poses are linked together like jewels on a necklace; the string is the breath that connects disparate pieces into a unified whole.

I fell in love with yoga practice in which the “asanas” (poses) are linked together in a sequence because it felt like a moving meditation.

Moving continuously in and out of each yoga posture was a way of keeping my body moving but allowing my mind to become still.

To an over-thinker, this was the ultimate form of Self-Compassion.

And becoming a yogi changed the entirety of my life for the better. ✨

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Lisa Ash Drackert Lisa Ash Drackert

MFR AT-Home & In Kansas City

This research also suggests that keeping your fascia healthy through focused movement, gentle stretching and Myofascial Release helps downregulate pain perception globally, not just locally.

This is my FAVORITE Myofascial Release Technique for alleviating upper back and shoulder strain.

Try it:

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