Yoga for Stiff Shoulders + Yoga for Shoulder Stiffness
If you have stiff shoulders like I do (yes, my hand is raised); JUST stretching doesn’t cut it.
Self-Myofascial Release is a soft-tissue manipulation technique where you use a tool (in this case, a RADRoller Recovery Round) to alleviate pain and stiffness.
Combined with stretching and strengthening, MFR is a game changer for stiff shoulders.
Stretch & Strengthen Shoulders
Here’s the thing: I don’t know anyone who hasn’t complained (at least once) in their life about having tight shoulders.
Because your shoulder is a complex joint, with an intense amount of connective tissue keeping the bones in place and LOTS of muscles originating around the upper arm bone… keeping your shoulder tension-free, strong AND mobile is a freaking difficult group project.
And, as per usual in group projects, there’s one person complaining, one person not pulling their weight and one person doing ALL. THE. WORK.
Find Mental Focus this Spring
Ok, Spring has barely SPRUNG and I already have Spring Fever. It’s difficult for me to focus and I find I’m rushing through tasks so I can go play outside and linger in the sunshine.
You too?
Try these two Yogic Breathing Techniques designed to enhance mental focus -- they work wonders to get you focused and mentally sharp.
Five Mantras for Overwhelm
Do you RESPOND or REACT? ✨
The ability to self-regulate emotions is definitely a learned skill. It’s not innate (enter: every toddler ever born who throws a fit when their socks don’t fit well or their pasta isn’t salty enough) but it is achievable.
A core skill of Mindfulness is the ability to feel an emotion without being overwhelmed by it.
When you are able to “observe” your emotional state and hit the pause button (even for just one inhale) you can then choose how you want to RESPOND instead of REACT.
Reacting looks like:
Tips for Overwhelm
How do you handle “overwhelm”?
Overwhelm is the sensation of your nervous system reaching its allostatic load. Meaning: you’ve taken in as much stimuli as you can possibly handle and your system is about to combust. Or shut down.
A core skill of Mindfulness is the ability to feel an emotion without being overwhelmed by it, so learning to approach Overwhelm mindfully can be really helpful.
Next time you’re 3 seconds away from spontaneous combustion…
✨ Try these Three Yoga Therapeutics Tips for Overwhelm✨
Santosha is Internal Steadiness
Santosha reflects a state of being in which your inner contentment is independent of situations and circumstances happening around you. Santosha is internal steadiness.
The changing of the seasons is a perfect time to notice this.
When I think about Inner Contentment, I think about Polly Pocket Toys
When I think about Inner Contentment, I think about Polly Pocket.
(For those of you who didn’t grow up in the ‘90’s: Polly Pocket is a teeny, tiny playset with a miniature Polly and itty bitty animal friends, completely encased in a plastic purse that fits in your pocket.)
Polly Pocket has her own little world of cuteness, with everything she needs, in a travel-sized container.
Polly Pocket is the perfect example of Inner Contentment: even when her external environment changes, even when everything around her is in flux, even when she has no idea where she is going or what the future holds, she’s content and safe in her own little world because she has the inner resources she needs to navigate the changes.
When we are cultivating Inner Contentment (Santosha), teacher Sharon Salzberg says to,
“create around you a little bit of space that is all your own, a place where the rules of interaction you've chosen make sense and your actions have integrity."
Connect to Contentment
Are you a “should” person?
❔Or ❔
Are you a “could” person?
I consistently hear clients belittle themselves with sentences like:
“I should do yoga more.”
“I should cut out sugar.”
“I should meditate.”
“I should be a nicer wife.”
“I should feel better in my body.”
Each one followed with “but… I can’t… there’s no ______ <time, money, energy, way.>” 😞
Each time we use the word “should” it shuts the door of possibility.
Listen: I want to help you
Listen. I want to help you:
➡️ lower stress
➡️ relieve low back pain
➡️ alleviate shoulder tension
➡️ enhance mental focus
➡️ support bone density
➡️ stabilize your metabolism
through my Online At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription.✨
Here’s what Subscribers are saying:
What is Yoga Therapeutics? Why is it for me?
The goal of Yoga Therapeutics isn’t to “do yoga better.”
The goal of Yoga Therapeutics is to “Feel Better” along your Path to Optimal Health.
You may be asking: “What is Yoga Therapeutics, anyway, Lisa… and why is it for me?”
Subscribe to get access now
Pre-Recorded Classes to Optimize:
Stress Regulation
Immune Function
Spinal Health
Shoulder Mobility
and Move You Toward Optimal Health