Hi! I’m Lisa.
Hi! I’m Lisa.
I’m a teacher, dreamer and adventure lover who believes the world would be a better place if everyone meditated and kissed doggies daily.
As a Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist, I specialize in tailoring yoga and meditation protocols to help you meet your exact health and wellness goals.
My specialties are Therapeutic Yoga for Pain Management, Yoga for Mental Wellness, Yoga for Spinal Health and Scoliosis, Prenatal Yoga and Self-Myofascial Release.
Recently, my sweet sweet best friend fur-baby RussellClive began a new habit:
purposefully spilling my morning coffee mug so he can lap it up off the floor.
I do NOT need to tell you how I feel about this, right? It’s sacrilege.
Some mornings I am, naturally, more compassionate and mindful about his senior-dog behaviors. I sigh like the world is ending and silently grab the roll of paper towels.
Most mornings, however, I am overflowing with frustration and at the end of my proverbial patience string. I am less-than-silent and less-than-kind about my spilled coffee. (IT’S MY COFFFEE!)
Ladies, gentlemen, humans, (and fur-humans,) I’m here to tell you:
YOU ARE ALWAYS A FULL MUG, about to be bumped and spilled.
The question is this:
what are you filled with and what will spill out?
How does Yoga Help with Balance?
Best Online Yoga Classes to enhance your balance. Yoga helps with balance through strength, flexibility and mental focus. Online Yoga Classes can help your balance.
Here’s a Sneak Peek at Upcoming Featured Classes
I love hearing how my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Classes are helping you feel and breathe better.
In April, I featured classes to “Stretch and Strengthen Shoulders” and they were a HUGE HIT!
Here’s a Sneak Peek at Upcoming Featured Classes (so you can get as excited as I am!)
Alleviate back pain with these simple steps: access a complimentary Yoga Therapeutics Online Class and envision a life without pain. Sign up for physical wellness and connect with me online.
Your Brain’s Default Mode
Did you know that you’re (scientifically speaking) happier when you are actually THINKING about what you are ACTUALLY doing, instead of letting your mind wander? ✨
Neuroscientists have concluded that 80% of your brain’s time is spent in this wandering “default mode.”
Biologically your brain is wired to repeat patterns because this uses less metabolic energy than finding new, novel patterns.
It makes sense to go on “default mode” through daily repetitive tasks, such as the mundane of teeth brushing, dishwasher loading, and laundry folding.
But unfortunately, it doesn’t make sense when it comes to your inner contentment, happiness and mindfulness.
❔Why? ❔
Because your brain’s “default mode” is the opposite of being aware.
I NEVER get bored as a Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist
I NEVER get bored as a Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist.
In the course of one week, I can see Personal Yoga Therapeutics Clients looking to:
What is Yoga Therapeutics? Why is it for me?
The goal of Yoga Therapeutics isn’t to “do yoga better.”
The goal of Yoga Therapeutics is to “Feel Better” along your Path to Optimal Health.
You may be asking: “What is Yoga Therapeutics, anyway, Lisa… and why is it for me?”
Yoga Therapeutics Melds:
✨yoga poses
✨breathing techniques
✨Self-Myofascial Release
to strengthen your mind-body connection, reduce stress, palliate pain and help you rehab from physical injuries.
So yes, It’s FOR YOU.
New Location: Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist in Kansas
Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist in Kansas
Personal Yoga Therapeutics Sessions in Leawood Kansas
3 Tips for Better Breathing
3 Tips for Better Breathing.
Improving your breathing is a surefire pathway to feeling better in mind and body.
Try these 3 Yoga Therapeutics Techniques that lead to Better Breathing.
“Abiding in Breath: a 28-Day Guide to Yogic Breathing.”
If you want to learn techniques to de-stress, regulate your mood, increase mental focus and breathe easier, you’ll want to enroll in my course: “Abiding in Breath: a 28-Day Guide to Yogic Breathing.”
Subscribe to get access now
Pre-Recorded Classes to Optimize:
Stress Regulation
Immune Function
Spinal Health
Shoulder Mobility
and Move You Toward Optimal Health