Uplevel Your Metabolism
At 3 am on a cross-country road trip from California to Iowa, I was driving a car full of sleeping friends across the desolation of Wyoming and realized: we are going to run out of gas.
I did what any sleep-deprived 20-year-old with absolutely NO understanding of cars or engines or mechanical processes would do: I floored it.
I honestly didn’t realize that driving over the speed limit would actually deplete the gas tank sooner than driving at a consistent, reasonable speed. All I could think about was getting to a gas station that was open on Easter Sunday in the middle of East Jesus Nowhere as fast as possible.
While infinitely more sacred and nuanced than a borrowed Corolla, our human bodies also create, store and expend energy.
Yoga Therapeutics Heals Injuries
Heal injuries with Yoga Therapeutics! In the best online yoga classes, you’ll stretch and strengthen you body and calm your mind. Not only will we heal your injuries, but therapeutic yoga will help prevent future injuries.
Two Incredible Fall Courses!
It's my last day teaching In-Person Yoga Therapeutics Sessions before Maternity Leave 2.0! So excited for this Little Adventure Buddy to join our DrackPack. I'm offering two INCREDIBLE Online Courses this fall; take advantage of Early Bird Enrollment for "Abiding in Breath" 28-Day Guide to Yoga Breathing and "Daily Gratitude: 21- Day Challenge"
FAQ's: Is this Service for Me? Subscription Service FAQ's
HEY! I’m heading on maternity leave soon and won’t be taking New Clients until 2025.
But I don’t want to leave you hanging… so I’m offering Your First Month of my At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription ABSOLUTELY FREE. 💲
Here are some answers to your popular questions about my Online At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription:
Increase Endurance Classes
When I first met Susanne she could barely walk up the stairs. She booked Personal Yoga Therapeutics Sessions with me to rehab from her knee replacement and to increase her stamina, because even stepping off a curb required assistance.
She was skeptical.
(Scratch that: she was BEYOND skeptical. She told me immediately that she “wasn’t into yoga, didn’t get yoga people, wouldn’t be getting on the floor and wasn’t really interested in these sessions but her daughter was making her.”)
After 9 months of targeted Yoga Therapeutics, Self-Myofascial Release and chair yoga sessions with me, Susanne and her husband took a 2 week trip to Italy. They walked and walked and walked, even uphill, downhill and on cobblestone streets.
Yoga Therapeutics works: when you practice consistently, you’ll benefit from enhanced muscular endurance, joint strength, lung capacity and mental stamina.
Cognitive Conservatism
I’ve been reflecting on the idea of a Self-Care “Mindset Re-set.”
In week 1 of Consistency Counts Course, I introduced the concept of “Cognitive Conservatism” which means that we behave in ways that support and sustain a specific image of ourselves, even if that image is no longer accurate.
When we are looking to make positive changes in our lives, possibly the most difficult thing to change is our own self-concept.
The images we hold of ourselves are remarkably stable overtime because it expends less metabolic energy to SUSTAIN a current mindset (or habit) than it does to change it.
When it comes to Self-Care, most of us need a “MINDSET RE-SET.”
Try this:
FAQS… Is this the Service for me?
Is online yoga for me? Questions and Answers for the best online yoga and yoga for beginners. Subscribe to online yoga classes for pain management.
Enrollment Closes TOMORROW!
I created this course because my clients tell me ALL the time,
“I feel SOOOO good after a Yoga Therapeutics Session with you. I wish I would do this every day, but it’s so hard for me to practice at home.”
My 4-week online course “Consistency Counts” is the solution because:
accountability actually matters, individualized instruction is inspiring and consistency counts.
Let’s get consistent, together, starting July 7.
Brushing Teeth
My daughter recently told me that she didn’t need to brush her teeth because she “already did that yesterday” and she can just “go back to the dentist to get them cleaned.” 🙄
I get it: it's hard to form healthy habits.
It’s even harder when these healthy habits are judged to be selfish or luxurious, don’t uphold the ideal of the “human giver” complex that most adult women have been taught is the highest ideal of worth, or don’t contribute financially to the beauty-product-bikini-industrial-complex. ✨
The truth is this: self-care habits that attend to your mental, spiritual and physical health are absolutely VITAL. ✨
And what you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while. ✨
Which is why I want you to join my 4- week program: “Consistency Counts.”
Surprising Benefits of Stretching
Simple stretching does so much for our bodies and minds! Check out the benefits of stretching by joining me online for therapeutic yoga classes. Stretch yourself by subscribing to a healthier mind and body!
Yoga for New Moms
Subscribe to the best online yoga classes for new moms. It’s yoga for beginners and babies. Improve pelvic stability, posture, and strength.
Subscribe to get access now
Pre-Recorded Classes to Optimize:
Stress Regulation
Immune Function
Spinal Health
Shoulder Mobility
and Move You Toward Optimal Health